Yuryev-Polsky District

The Yuryev-Polsky district is located in the north of the Vladimir region, within the boundaries of the Vladimir Opolye. The population of the district is 34,746 people (2018). The administrative center is the city of Yuryev-Polsky with a population of 18,433 people (2018). The district was formed on April 10, 1929 as part of the Alexandrov district of the Ivanovo Industrial Region. Since August 14, 1944, the Yuryev-Polsky district has been part of the Vladimir Region. In May 2005, the district was given the status of a municipal district.

Yuryev-Polsky is a city with ancient history, founded in 1152 by Prince Yury Dolgoruky, in whose honor it was named. At the beginning of the 13th century, Yuryev-Polsky was the center of a small principality. Today it is preserved, albeit in a rebuilt form, built in 1230-1234. St. George's Cathedral has been preserved since then, although in a rebuilt form. It is the latest monument of the famous white-stone architecture of Vladimir land built in 1230-1234. Yuryev-Polsky was ruined by the troops of the Mongol khans in 1238, 1382 and in 1408. The development of the city was suspended.

Only from the middle of the 17th century some economic growth of Yuryev-Polsky began, which was facilitated by the location on the Bolshaya Stromynskaya road connecting the city with Moscow. Since 1778, Yuryev-Polsky became a county town.

The Patriotic War of 1812 left a special mark in the history of the city. The local militia was commanded by Prince B.A. Golitsyn, the owner of the village of Sima. The legendary P.I. Bagration was brought to the estate in Sima after the wound received on the Borodino field, and on September 23, 1812 he died here.

The leading sectors of the modern economy of the Yuryev-Polsky district are light and food industries, as well as mechanical engineering. In Yuryev-Polsky There is a plant of power supply equipment for communication enterprises, a weaving and finishing factory that produces furniture decorative, terry and light fabrics and products from them. For a number of years, the region has been at the forefront of production in the main agricultural products. Very popular are food products of the Yuryev-Polsky Meat Processing Plant, as well as of the Yuryev-Polsky Dairy Plant, which is part of the "Opolye" company. Another original sector of Yuryev-Polsky is horse breeding. The breeding stud farm "Monastery Metochion" cultivates a type of Vladimir heavy truck, characterized by slightly lower weight and longer legs of horses, in comparison with representatives of the classic breed. 

The areas of decorative and applied art and crafts, developing in the Yuryev-Polsky district, are wood carving and painting, wickerwork, embroidery, weaving, patchwork, etc. The main organizations developing and popularizing folk art are the Culture and Leisure Center of the Yuryev-Polsky District, Children's Art School of the Yuryev-Polsky District, rural houses of culture. Creative groups, working in the cultural institutions of the region, are  the folk ensemble "Tunes of Opolye" (the Culture and Leisure Center of the Yuryev-Polsky District), the Exemplary Folklore Ensemble "Kanareechka" (Children's Art School of the Yuryev-Polsky District), etc.

Crafts and trades
Wood carving
Argunovo carving. Morden masters of wood carving.
Wood painting
Vladimir patterns is an original painting, when the paint is applied not with a brush, but with a foam rubber swab or just an artist’s finger, forming a light cloud.
Embroidery in the technique of " white satin-stitch ", "Vladimir seam".
Weaving of withy
In Vladimir land withy was an available material: willow thickets were abundant on the banks of the Klyazma, the Oka, etc.
Ceremonial dolls