All-Russian Holiday the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity
Murom was rightfully chosen as the center of the All-Russian holiday the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The names of Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia are associated with this old city from ancient times. Their memorial day – the 8th of July – has been celebrated in Russia since 2008 as a public holiday.
According to some chronicle sources Russian scholars identify Peter and Fevronia with the well-known Prince of Murom David Yuryevich (reigned in 1205-1228) and his wife Princess Efrosinya. David took tonsure under the name of Peter in the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Murom, where he later died. Almost nothing is known about his wife, but it is generally accepted that she took the tonsure at the same time as her husband, under the name of Fevronia. After their canonization in 1547, the famous "Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" was compiled, glorifying their extraordinary love and fidelity, which they carried through all trials of life. According to legend, they died on the same day. Their bodies were found in the same sarcophagus, despite the attempts to separate them. The relics of the holy noble spouses are currently stored in the Holy Trinity Convent. It is believed that couples who cling to the relics with their prayer become happier in their marriage and infertile couples receive healing. This beautiful legend later formed the basis of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.
Some events of Peter and Fevronia’s life are recreated on the streets of Murom. In the "Village of Fevronia" you can see stylized pictures of rural life of the 13th century (peasant huts, shelters with domestic animals, wells). You can touch the "healing sand", which, according to legend, was formed under the nut bush after prolonged Fevronia’s praying. By the "Prince's Court" one can see the prince’s tower-room, stables and the reconstruction of some events of Prince Peter’s life (the Prince of Murom). On the "Oka Dock" scenes of trade are recreated and the rook of Peter and Fevronia can be seen. On the "City Square" concerts of folklore groups of the Vladimir region are held and you can visit the craft fair by the "Posad". The interactive area "Family Walk" attracts families with children. And everywhere you can see a chamomile, a touching symbol of the holiday.
Traditionally, the main event of the holiday is the award ceremony presenting the winners of the "Family of the Year" contest. The couples who maintain the warmth of marital relations until a "golden" or "diamond" wedding party get a medal "For Love and Fidality" as they are a good example for youth.
Thousands of Russian and foreign guests come to Murom to take part in the festival. The culmination of the holiday is a grandiose tradition: the concert is conducted by one of the famous actor's married couples. The festival finishes with a magnificent firework over the Oka River. It can be compared with the capital's salute.